Why is moving out of home an issue for ladies

In Rwanda, it’s culturally unacceptable for unmarried women to move out of the home. However this trend is changing due to the increase in the number of independent women.

Friday, October 29, 2010
Leaving home for a lady is a taboo in many African cultures unlike in the West.

In Rwanda, it’s culturally unacceptable for unmarried women to move out of the home. However this trend is changing due to the increase in the number of independent women.

As much as most parents disagree with the thought of their unmarried daughters living alone or with a group of girlfriends, other parents view this as a step towards attaining independence and emotional development.

It’s entirely okay for men to leave their parents’ homes even when they are not married but its taboo for grown-up unmarried ladies who are financially independent to provide for their own needs.

According to Moses Kamanzi, a social worker in Kigali City, "in our culture, a descent woman is considered as one who stays with her family or relatives. Unmarried women who stay alone are always thought of as people without integrity.”

However, Claudine Mutesi, a student at ULK says that this kind of perception is wrong and unfair for women who have the choice to lead their lives. 

"Staying alone is not a big deal as long as you can take care of yourself,” Mutesi said.

She added, "In this century and age, people should change their mindset about who should or should not move out of home; but rather understand the reasons why people do it.”

Ladies have the same potential as their brothers to live as independent individuals in this world. Staying alone is another way of developing yourself because that is a sign of taking responsibility of what you want in life.
