Ki-moon gives Frw5.4m to Genocide survivors

KIGALI - The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has pledged $10, 000 (approx. Frw5.45 million) to victims of the 1994 Genocide.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Ki-moon and his wife lay a wreath on the graves of Genocide victims at Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre yesterday. (Photos /J.Mbanda)

KIGALI - The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has pledged $10, 000 (approx. Frw5.45 million) to victims of the 1994 Genocide.

He made the pledge yesterday when he visited and laid a wreath on the mass graves of Genocide victims at Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre.

"This is my personal contribution and support to the Genocide survivors who are struggling to achieve the best in their lives,” Ki-moon said.

Accompanied by his wife, Soon-Taek, the UN chief added: "Our condolences go to the survivors. Their resilience continues to inspire us. We are expressing our solidarity to the survivors of the tragedy and hope that their lost future will be regained.”

Ki-moon said he will continue supporting the Genocide survivors both as the UN Secretary General and individually.

He said he has a strong determination to work with the international community to ensure that justice is admistered to whoever took part in the Genocide.

He called for a global campaign against genocide and vowed to strengthen the UN mechanisms to ensure that such tragedy like the 1994 Genocide never happens again.
"The UN has learnt a lesson from what happened here in Rwanda; we all have to work collectively to ensure that it does not happen again,” he said.

He added: "The 1994 Genocide will haunt the United Nations and the international community for generations. The Genocide shocked our consciences.”

He stressed that preventing genocide is a collective and individual responsibility and everyone has a role to play.

Later, he signed the memorial book where he wrote, "Genocide Never Again”.

Rwanda’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Joseph Nsengimana, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) Chief Prosecutor, Bubacar Jallow, the Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, Joseph Habineza and the Mayor of Kigali City, Dr Aisa Kirabo were also at the memorial site.