Pacific Ndiwayezu

Editor, I was alarmed yesterday when I saw a group of children playing in a temporary pond along one of the roads in Nyabugogo. What was alarming is not the fact that they were on the road where a possible speeding truck could knock them dead, but it was the fact that they were washing their soiled feet in the dirty road water.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I was alarmed yesterday when I saw a group of children playing in a temporary pond along one of the roads in Nyabugogo. What was alarming is not the fact that they were on the road where a possible speeding truck could knock them dead, but it was the fact that they were washing their soiled feet in the dirty road water.

This only made, me think that these children have not been taught well about body hygiene both by their parents and schools. As the rainy season commences, more people—these children too, are vulnerable and prone to getting infected by water borne diseases such as cholera, elephantiasis, diarrhea or worms.

It’s high time that parents and schools started educating their children about the dangers of washing up in muddy water, more still doing it on dangerous roads.

Pacific Ndiwayezu