Events unfolding about liability for personal actions taken are an eye opener to the perception of justice by the general public.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Events unfolding about liability for personal actions taken are an eye opener to the perception of justice by the general public.

The recent admission by the Minister of Commerce Protais Mitali for breaching tendering procedures in the controversial procurement of fuel from Kenya early last year, the Rwanda Ombudsman’s disclosure of high corruption cases among lower levels of leadership, the sex scandals erupting among pastors in Pentecostal Churches, all point to the quantum mechanics of our actions as Rwandans.The minister’s declaration of errors made in a country that has a development vision to achieve is enough to caution leaders holding public offices to take responsibility of their actions for the good of the nation.

At this moment, when even those individuals society  takes as custodians of Holy law breach what they preach, one may ask whether lying and stealing go hand in hand.

If today workers still plot for their rights, and communities send outcries against individuals amassing acres of land, then we should revisit the truth of professionalism at work places vis-à-vis statements made in public.

All angles considered, it would be imperative that leaders responsible for mismanagement of office take precedent of the Commerce Minister. Truth is what enables us to find out what is best for the society and true sensory impressions are intrinsically better than illusions.

If we are eying a vision to achieve at all costs, what a terrible web we weave when first we practice deceit in almost all offices held! Corruption and bribery are characteristics of unpatriotic leaders and should be fought collectively in order to meet the country’s goals or else we all suffer the consequences.

Truth comprises outpouring of oneself with what is considered right and just to the other. Let concerned leaders be sincere to themselves and those they serve. This will save society a great deal in overcoming obstacles while improving welfare of the citizenry through the available resources.Ends