Genocide ideology should to be fought logically

In The New Times yesterday, 29th January 2008, there was a story on MPs campaigning to deal fight genocide ideology in schools.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

In The New Times yesterday, 29th January 2008, there was a story on MPs campaigning to deal fight genocide ideology in schools.

I was pleased to learn that the Parliamentary bureau has requested all MPs and Deputies to go out to different schools across the country and see to it that the vice is curbed.

The one-week campaign will be held in all schools across the country where lawmakers will meet both students and head teachers primary and secondary schools.

This is a good gesture. The fighting is now practical. The vice can no longer be fought indoors, or at meetings given revelations of cases in several secondary schools being as high as 97 percent.

So, if MPs can come up with such resolutions to crackdown on the genocide ideology in schools, then the learning environment would be better for both students and teachers.

Something better has to be adopted as soon as possible. Or else, the public may issue a vote of no confidence to the two Education ministers.
