Farmers complain over delayed fertilisers, seeds

GISAGARA - Delays in acquiring fertilisers and maize seeds threaten to affect food production in Nyabiyogera swamp in Save sector, Gisagara District, farmers say.

Monday, October 25, 2010

GISAGARA - Delays in acquiring fertilisers and maize seeds threaten to affect food production in Nyabiyogera swamp in Save sector, Gisagara District, farmers say.

The farmers say they are yet to obtain the farm implements promised by local authorities ever since they merged their farms under the land consolidation drive in September.

"We prepared our farms from September and up to now no seeds or fertilizers have been delivered. We often go to the sector office to look for seeds but they tell us there is nothing and they have finally told us to buy our own,” said one of the farmers.

Other farmers said they were afraid of buying their own seeds because of the poor quality types on the market.
When contacted, however, an official in charge of agriculture in the sector, Fernando Bambanza, told The New Times that some farmers have already been given seeds and fertilizers.

He explained that those who were complaining had missed out in the first round of distribution, but their problem would be handled by the relevant officials.

"People should not worry about seeds and fertilisers. We ordered another consignment after noticing that what we had was not sufficient, so in a few days the seeds will be here,” said Bambanza. He dismissed fears that the delays will affect crop production.

Nyabiyogera swamp was allocated for maize growing in the area under the land consolidation program.
