The Police role in fighting GBV is amazing

Editor, I would like to appreciate the constant effort and participation of the Police and Army in advocating for a stop to Gender Based Violence (GBV).

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I would like to appreciate the constant effort and participation of the Police and Army in advocating for a stop to Gender Based Violence (GBV).

Their commendable effort has indeed not lagged behind but rather produced results.

Rwandans, mostly women, have overcome the stigma that has eaten at them for years because of the social vice of domestic violence.

Now that they know their rights, anyone who tries to antagonize them will not go unpunished as they enjoy protection from the Police and Army; justice is finally being served to the perpetrators of GBV.

It is also reported that the crimes surrounding GBV have reduced in the recent years thanks to measures being taken including the creation of the Gender Desk at all Police stations, and the toll-free numbers - 3512 and 112.

According to a study by the World Health Organization (WHO) violence affects millions of women in Africa. It is pervasive and as a result women continue to suffer in their homes and in the community with devastating effects.

Rwanda has shown that this trend can be reversed in Africa.

Marie- Chantal Uwitonze