Private sector commended for fight against disease

KIGALI - First Lady, Jeannete Kagame, Friday, commended members of the private sector for engaging in programs and activities that aim at fighting AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

KIGALI - First Lady, Jeannete Kagame, Friday, commended members of the private sector for engaging in programs and activities that aim at fighting AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Mrs. Kagame said this during a cocktail held at Serena Hotel organized by the Private Sector Federation (PSF) and attended by the Minister of Health, Richard Sezibera, as well as several government and private sector officials.

The First Lady announced that Rwanda will be hosting a private sector summit organized by Friends of the Global Fund Africa (Friends Africa) and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria on November 6, 2010.

The summit under the theme "Increasing Returns on Investment in the Fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria” will have the objective of increasing and enhancing the engagement of African private sectors in the fight against the three pandemics that ravage the continent.

"For as long as we can remember, malaria, tuberculosis, and more recently, AIDS, have been impacting on our lives — economically and fundamentally — in a very tragic way. We have seen lives so talented and promising taken away from us, lives we could have saved,” Mrs. Kagame said.

The First Lady urged the private sector to exploit the summit and reflect on how they can showcase Rwanda’s best and set the pace for future summits.

"I know you for being fearless when it comes to trying out new ideas and breaking new ground, if it is for a common good and for development as a nation,” she said.

PSF President, Robert Bayigamba, said that the summit is a huge opportunity for members of the private sector to contribute to the fight against the three pandemics while making an investment in Africa and contributing to the welfare of Africans.

Mrs. Kagame is a board member of Friends Africa, a Pan-African organization which works to mobilize strategic political and financial support for the fight against AIDS, TB, and malaria through education, advocacy and technical assistance.
