Rwamucyo presents Credentials in Ireland

IRELAND - Rwanda’s Ambassador to Ireland but resident in London, Ernest Rwamucyo, on October 20, 2 presented his letters of credence to President Mary MacAleese of Ireland. The function took place at Aras An Uachtarain (the President’s Residence) in Dublin.

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Ambassador to Ireland resident in London, Ernest Rwamucyo, presenting his credentials (Courtesy photo)

IRELAND - Rwanda’s Ambassador to Ireland but resident in London, Ernest Rwamucyo, on October 20, 2 presented his letters of credence to President Mary MacAleese of Ireland. The function took place at Aras An Uachtarain (the President’s Residence) in Dublin.

Accompanied by his wife Pauline, Rwamucyo conveyed to President MacAleese greetings and a message of best wishes from President Kagame and the people of Rwanda.

He reaffirmed how invaluable Rwanda’s strong relationship and partnership with Ireland is; and pledged to work tirelessly during his tour of duty to ensure that the solid collaboration between the two countries continues to grow even stronger.  

He thanked the President and people of Ireland for the unwavering support that her Government gave Rwanda in the immediate aftermath of the 1994 Genocide. He reminded President MacAleese that the very first Head of State to visit Rwanda after the Genocide was Mary Robinson, then President of Ireland.

President MacAleese in return sent greetings and best wishes to President Kagame and the people of Rwanda, and welcomed Ambassador Rwamucyo. She commended the people and the Government of Rwanda on the tremendous progress in rebuilding the country.

She highlighted that the story of Rwanda’s recovery is an inspiration to other countries emerging out of conflict and pledged Ireland’s continued support.

While in Dublin, Rwamucyo met various officials of the Irish government as well as members of the Rwandan Diaspora in Ireland.
