Business Perspective: Building a strong relationship with clients is essential in every business

Most of my clients are college going students who throng to my workplace for printing, photocopying or binding.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Most of my clients are college going students who throng to my workplace for printing, photocopying or binding.

 Since most of these students are French speaking I make sure that before I do any printing work for them , I go through their documents so as to give them free service of editing.

This free service has made me build a very strong relationship with these students who are my bigger clients. As business owners, obtaining and retaining clients is crucial for a business to be successful. No matter the size of the company, happy clients increase the odds for repeat business, recurring income, and word of mouth recommendations. Too often entrepreneurs focus on getting X amount of clients, and lose focus on actions that will retain the client.

Here are some tips to help strengthen relationships with clients and customers.

Make a good impression
First impressions are very important.  If a client visits a business premises make sure that it is easy for them to get good services and information that they need. In this era of the internet make sure that when people visit your website, they should see a professional looking design that is easy to navigate and find things.

Make contact information easily available so that people can contact you if they have questions. Do not make the contact form complicated, requesting information that might not apply to the majority of your visitors.

Remember that potential customers do not always make their purchasing decisions on the spot. With information readily available, people can reach to make sure they are making the right purchase. The goal is for the potential client or customer to leave your office or your website with a positive feeling, not frustration, or confusion.

Inform and guide the client
As stated above, sometimes a website is the first impression a potential client sees. You will not be there to answer questions or clear up misconceptions. Ensure that your site gives the client the information he or she needs to make an informed decision.

When interacting with a client, communication is very important. If a client ordered something and it is not available, quickly inform the client what their options are. If you are working on a project, communication is especially important.

As the expert, it is your job to guide the client through the process. Be clear on what you need from the client, when you need it, and the formats you want the client to give you those items.

Often it is the small details that end up making a big difference. For example, having the shipping prices along with the terms of shipping, like no delivery on weekends. What updates or guarantees come with the product? If you are communicating with a client, try to get to know the client better.

It is easier to make a pitch and seal the deal when you know how to resolve the problem the client is looking to solve. Note the difference between knowing how to resolve the problem and knowing what the client wants. Often, the two have different results.

Listen to what your clients are telling you. This does not mean you have to implement every suggestion, but many communication problems are due to one party not listening to the other.

Particularly with online communication, it is common to misunderstand one another or assign a tone to text the sender did not intend and also not every client will like what you are doing or the services you are offering.

Sometimes a client can want you to change something for their benefit, look into it before you say a direct no, which sometimes can offend the client and make them not return to seek your services again.

If there is a disagreement, instead of focusing on who is right or wrong, focus on how to optimally resolve the issue. Compromise is an important ingredient for any relationship to work.

Look at points of disagreement and see if there is a better way to achieve the goal. Perhaps the optimal answer is something you or the client had not thought of.

Try not to talk to clients when you are frustrated or angry. If the client senses these emotions, the client will immediately become defensive, lowering the chances of peacefully resolving the issue. Listen to what the client is saying, request time to think about it, and then talk about the issue when you are calm and perhaps, have a solution to resolve the issue.

Keep your promises. If you are shipping a product, make sure the customer receives the product within the time requested. If you are developing a project, finish the project early. More experience business owners find ways to make the process efficient so the client receives what he or she wants within the time frame requested – and if possible, early.

Keep in Touch
Social media makes it very easy to keep in touch with clients. You can open a register at your office where all your clients can register their emails. This can help you follow them of course under your business name and interact with them occasionally, for instance a client can be very surprised and happy if you sent them an e-birthday card.

Small things like these and keeping up with what they are doing can boost the chances of them coming to you for repeat business or recommending your product of service.
Understanding the value of a positive relationship with clients, especially if you want recurring income from them is very important in business and having a good working relationship with clients will make it easier to reach your income goals.
