Aunt’s corner

My brother and I were left orphaned at a very early age, and so we were forced to fend for ourselves. By the grace of God we managed to go through school and both of us graduated from university.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My brother and I were left orphaned at a very early age, and so we were forced to fend for ourselves. By the grace of God we managed to go through school and both of us graduated from university.

I got married five years ago and have two children. Meanwhile my brother got married three years after my wedding and his wife is expecting their first child now. All was well with my brother’s marriage until when his wife conceived. My brother is so sure that the child his wife is carrying is not his. His wife on the other hand is heart broken because she says that she knows no man except my brother.

What is going on here, I can’t seem to know exactly where the problem is. Please, help me save my brother’s marriage.

Dear Yvette,

Unless you talk to your brother and know exactly what he means by saying his wife is not carrying his child, then we are all in the dark, even though I can give you some few guesses.

One is that your brother may be functioning as a normal man but unable to father children. No one can know the fact that they can’t father children unless they have been medically tested before, therefore the only one who can give answers here is your brother, and if at all he has not shared any information with his wife then his wife is also in the dark.

Second is that your brother may be having the doubts about the child not being his, because of the pregnancy timing.

Is he a person who is always travelling? If yes, then he might be having valid reasons. Why am I saying this? This is because if a man has been away for a period of time and comes back home to find his wife pregnant, and when he calculates, something tells him that at the time of conception he was not around then he is bound to be very suspicious of his wife.

Even though sometimes a woman can conceive and she finds out much later, or others simply keep quiet until when the husband sees a protruding belly is when they announce that they are pregnant – this can also make any man doubt as to why the woman was keeping the pregnancy to herself.

These are just possibilities, what you need to do is to sit down with your brother and ask him to tell you why he is having his doubts, after which you can advice him together with his wife, they can visit a hospital where a DNA test will be carried out to ascertain the child’s paternity and the truth will be revealed.

In the meantime ask him to treat his wife carefully; an expectant woman is usually very delicate anything small can put her life and that of the baby in danger.
