Secret life: Eric Senderi

Eric Senderi is a musician. He started his musical career when he was still serving in the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF). From soldier to musician, he says he loves his new role. Is there more to him? Read on!

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Eric Senderi

Eric Senderi is a musician. He started his musical career when he was still serving in the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF). From soldier to musician, he says he loves his new role. Is there more to him? Read on!

The first thing you do in the morning
I check my phone for any missed calls.

Greatest fear
Genocide and Aids

When are you happiest?
When there is peace that allows people to enjoy themselves

Childhood memory
The poverty that rocked my family when I was still a child

The most important thing life has taught you
Things change with time

Affectionate memory of your parents
They both loved and kept advising me on various issues

Greatest achievement
I participated in the liberation of my country

During your free time
I compose songs, listen to music and interact with other people

Retirement plans
I plan to get land near the city and build a permanent structure where musicians will be performing from.

Photo G. Mugoya