The Hater: I hate people who…

…show up for work smelling of cheap alcohol. Oh I am so pissed by these people you find with alcohol-laced breath in the morning. As if that is not enough, the smell is always of very cheap alcohol.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

…show up for work smelling of cheap alcohol.
Oh I am so pissed by these people you find with alcohol-laced breath in the morning. As if that is not enough, the smell is always of very cheap alcohol.

The other day I was in this taxi and the conductor was literally exhaling alcohol. Within no time, the whole vehicle was engulfed in a pungent smell of alcohol because he kept opening his mouth which by then was more of a brewery than a body part.

I actually thought the police would stop the car and ask us whether we were smuggling kanyanga (cheap illicit brew). I wonder why such people do not take the day off or at least find time to brush.    

…send text messages and hold side conversations during meetings.
Recently while attending a meeting I noticed that I was sitting next to a child in an adult body. This part time thinker kept sending text messages and even waiting for the replies.

He also had the indiscipline to engage in side conversations with his other neighbour thus distracting the meeting. And if at all you knew how old the joker was, you would understand why they say that some people grow up without maturing. Why should someone come for a meeting only to be a nuisance?

Why not stay at home and inconvenience your wife and children. I guess they are used to your irritating manners.

…think they are important because they make others wait.
I don’t know what law should be used to deal with some of these fools. These are the people who justify the fact that our country is a third world country. After all it is them who have third world heads.

Heads full of igikoma (porridge). I am talking about those bosses who make you wait for hours even when they know you are waiting. You arrive at the agreed time and then the secretary informs the ‘big man’ that you are around. He then tells you to wait but this lasts for ages.

Why don’t you just tell me to come at another time when you are not busy making cheap phone calls to your girlfriends?      

…bring things to a standstill when they go away.
Today I have so much beef for irresponsible bosses. I hate those bosses who leave office and services or work cannot go on until they return.

You go to the company and all they say is that the boss is not around? What kind of stupidity is this? If you are to leave then you should delegate duties to others because it’s irresponsible for things to stop just because you went to see your mother in the village.

Your mother is not part of the company or organisation and so life should not stop because of such silly reasons. I hope you are sacked after reading this. 

…are annoyingly impatient.
I just hate those sickening taxi conductors who insist that you pay soon after boarding the taxi. The jokers put you on tension to pay the fare even before the taxi has travelled a considerable distance.

Some of them do not even care that you are packed like fish in the taxi, and there is no way you can push your hand into the pocket. Listen Mr. Impatient Fool, I will pay you when I can comfortably reach into my pocket.

And besides I have just entered the taxi. Relax! This is not an aeroplane where I am expected to pay before using the service.

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