Diaspoman: When uninvited guests arrived at the Tank hill

I am back from Kampala where I had gone to snoop around for free parties. I had exhausted all avenues in terms of gate crushing at Kigali parties.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

I am back from Kampala where I had gone to snoop around for free parties. I had exhausted all avenues in terms of gate crushing at Kigali parties.

That is how I linked up with an old buddy of mine who encouraged me to jump on a bus and head straight for a mini party at someone’s home in Muyenga. This is a place built at the top of a hill overlooking Kampala city.

I complied and rushed very fast indeed. Within 8 long hours, I was in Kampala negotiating for a boda-boda fellow to steer me through the incredible traffic jam. My only fear was that the bike riders never bothered using helmets! Oh gosh – so risky riding on a moto without those helmets.  

Anyways, I was able to meet my friend who first took me to the nearest bar. We joined his friends at the noisy bar and began to mercilessly harass bottle after bottle. We ordered for roasted beef and pork.

This was great! We enjoyed the treat until late in the evening. Then it was time to go for the mini party at one of the Tycoon’s houses at the Muyenga hill. We sat inside the sleek looking vehicles and sped up for the fun.  

Amidst the merry making, we joined in and proceeded to sit at the garden and ordered for more crates of booze plus a few bottles of spirits. Our host kept inviting people on the phone to join in.

What had started as a small gathering soon became a vibrant mega-party. The guys he was inviting started to swarm the area with their partners who were dressed to kill. Some were wives while others were just girlfriends.

The presence of the single ladies seemed to cause a minor touch of friction among the ladies. But we continued to ignore them as we talked about a wide range of topics.  

Then it started to rain and we had no option but to enter the house. The ladies sat in the sofa sets while we guys stood aside with our glasses of beers. After some minutes, Umeme also decided to switch off electricity.

For a moment we were in total darkness as our rich host started to pour out some excuses about his Generator having developed some technical problems.  

From behind the house, we could hear his wife sending for candles as the house boys scrambled frantically. Obviously the guests were becoming restless as this so called tycoon remained agitated and full of excuses.

We waited on for more minutes until God sent upon us his mercy. All of a sudden electricity came back in full swing. 

As we began to rejoice again, we were interrupted by wails and cries from the females in the house. Why were they screaming? Yes, apparently during the black out some uninvited guests had joined us in the sitting room.

These uninvited visitors were none other than dirty looking rats eating up the leftovers from the plates. Rats? At the famous tankhill? They were about 10 huge rats that had come from outside and were very hungry indeed.  

Before our host could call for order in the house, the guests were fleeing the place and rushing to their cars outside. The rain was still pouring and nobody cared a bit. Our rich host had lost his credibility as a result of uninvited rodents…