A day in the life… Augustin Ntaganda

Augustin Ntaganda is the Founder and Director of the Association for the Promotion of Education and Community Development (APECD)- a centre which gives a chance to elders who either missed school or did not complete studies.

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Augustin Ntaganda

Augustin Ntaganda is the Founder and Director of the Association for the Promotion of Education and Community Development (APECD)- a centre which gives a chance to elders who either missed school or did not complete studies.

This either enables them to sit for the national examinations or take up other studies. Below he shares with you his typical working day;

I wake up at 5:30a.m, listen to the morning news bulletin from both local and international radio stations. At about 6:30, I have breakfast and set off to Universite des Laïques Adventistes de Kigali (UNILAK) where I am also pursuing further studies.

I have lunch at 1p.m and continue with either research or engage in various studies. By 4p.m, I must be at APECD to administrate and teach as well.

At the Centre, I carry out ensure that students are actually being taught. I also attend to teachers and students with school related problems.

At 9p.m, I head home and interact with my family.
I have supper at 10 and either do some reading or prepare for the next day’s work.

Though not always, I head to bed at mid night.

Photo G.Mugoya