Perfect weekend… Daddy Christian

Daddy Christian is a local film maker. He says he is occupied and stressed throughout the week, with no chance to enjoy with others. He says he gets time to enjoy his weekend and his perfect one is as below:

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Daddy Christian

Daddy Christian is a local film maker. He says he is occupied and stressed throughout the week, with no chance to enjoy with others. He says he gets time to enjoy his weekend and his perfect one is as below:

I start my weekend on Saturday. During morning hours, I mostly concentrate on domestic and personal activities such as putting my room in order.

At about 1:30p.m after having lunch, I move out and Hill Top hotel is where I love and enjoy the afternoon and evening.

What I really love is the quietness of the place. When there, I enjoy beer with my friends.

This is also the day I may plan to go out for a dance. On Sunday, I look forward to either visiting friends and family or attending to visitors.

However, I may decide to travel upcountry or just keep it at specific joints in the city such as Horizon Gardens at UTC. Simba Super market is one place I cannot miss over the weekend.

At that this place, when I happen to have a happy wallet, chicken is my first priority.

However, by 9p.m I am home. I refresh, have supper and get to bed at around 10:30.

That makes my weekend perfect

Photo .G. Mugoya