Academics root for common EAC curricula

East African Community (EAC) education experts have encouraged member states to harmonize regional education curricula if the common market is to achieve its development goals.The call was made yesterday during celebrations to mark the 10th anniversary of the revitalization of the inter-university council of EAC under the theme, ‘Higher Education Fostering East African Integration’.

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Dr. Callixte Kabera during the meeting in Kampala (Photo; E. Kabeera)

East African Community (EAC) education experts have encouraged member states to harmonize regional education curricula if the common market is to achieve its development goals.

The call was made yesterday during celebrations to mark the 10th anniversary of the revitalization of the inter-university council of EAC under the theme, ‘Higher Education Fostering East African Integration’.

According to Dr. Callixte Kabera of Rwanda Tourism University College, who was part of the Rwandan delegation, the EAC Common Market will not give the best possible results if the education systems of the five member states continue to differ from each other.

"We know that the EAC is committed to free movement of people from one state to another, but this should go hand-in-hand with education reforms across the bloc to ensure a common education system,” he said.

Dr. B.M.Waweru from Nairobi University, Kenya, observed that curriculum harmonization would not only facilitate free movement of people across the community, but would also ensure that knowledge and skills provided in each of the five EAC states is competitive.
