Infected people shun AIDS associations

RUSIZI - People living with HIV/AIDS in Rusizi district are reluctant to join associations of people infected with the virus for fear of stigma, officials said. This was revealed at an assessment meeting conducted by community health mobilisers, together with medical staff from district health centers and representatives of people living with HIV/AIDS in the district.

Friday, October 22, 2010

RUSIZI - People living with HIV/AIDS in Rusizi district are reluctant to join associations of people infected with the virus for fear of stigma, officials said.

This was revealed at an assessment meeting conducted by community health mobilisers, together with medical staff from district health centers and representatives of people living with HIV/AIDS in the district.

"In a bid to conceal their status, many people living with HIV snub beneficial meetings and also refuse any food aid.

This could affect care for those infected and hamper the disease prevention efforts,” Janvier Serubungo, the district co-coordinator for the AIDS control programme said.
Participants also reported that the community was yet to embrace voluntary HIV counseling and testing.

The meeting asked those concerned people to always submit timely and updated statistics on the number of people living with the virus so as to establish the gravity of the problem.

Infected mothers were also advised to restrain from producing more babies so as to live longer.
