Fifa warns Zambian government

FIFA has warned Zambia that it will take a dim view of any government interference in football matters. This follows the Sports Council of Zambia’s decision to investigate the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ).

Thursday, October 21, 2010

FIFA has warned Zambia that it will take a dim view of any government interference in football matters.

This follows the Sports Council of Zambia’s decision to investigate the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ).
FAZ has been in turmoil since the resignations of four executive committee members, including vice president Emmanuel Munaile.

The quartet quit after falling out with FAZ president and former national coach, Kalusha Bwalya.
Bwalya then reconstructed the FAZ executive committee by co-opting four members - a move which enraged some clubs and officials.

But the game’s world governing body has thrown its weight behind Bwalya, saying the decisions taken by the Zambian legend are valid.

"We would like to underline once more that if some of the FAZ members are unhappy with the current situation, they must act according to the current FAZ statutes,” Fifa secretary general Jerome Valcke said in a letter to Bwalya.
