ULK raises entry points

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU — The Kigali Independent University [ULK]-Gisenyi campus will not admit students with less than two points, the rector Dr. Alphonse Ngagi has said.

Monday, January 28, 2008


RUBAVU — The Kigali Independent University [ULK]-Gisenyi campus will not admit students with less than two points, the rector Dr. Alphonse Ngagi has said.

Ngaji announced this recently at a meeting with the University staffers and students meant to discuss new strategies to improve the quality of their products.

"The fundamental mission of ULK is to provide students with quality education which will enable them to become actors and organizers in the development process of our nation. That is why we need to do every thing possible to produce competitive people,” he said.

In order to achieve this, he said, ULK has recruited 18 lecturers of whom 14 are PHD holders while four are Master’s degree holders.

Ngagi further explained to students that a committee had been constituted to supervise the lecturer’s performance. He urged students to work hard to acquire the required knowledge to help them beat the current competition.

"Our mission will not be accomplished if our products are incapable of competing with graduates from other higher institutions,” he explained.

In his remarks Jean Paul Nkurunzinza the academic vice rector stressed the need to provide education relevant to the country’s needs including professional courses.

He noted that the University has aims and goals of providing students with a complete education based on scientific, intellectual, moral and professional values in order to produce true development actors, who are equipped not only with scientific knowledge but also with solid values of justice, integrity and patriotism.
