Has France finally shown compassion?

This is in response to the meeting between French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and our very own president Mr. Paul Kagame.

Monday, January 28, 2008

This is in response to the meeting between French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and our very own president Mr. Paul Kagame.

Rwanda had broken diplomatic ties with France in November 2006 following indictments that were issued by French judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere to nine Rwandan senior government officials, most of them military officers.

I am happy with the common desire to end the barriers standing in the way of good relationship between the two countries. We are looking forward and we want to get rid of the obstacles based on the mistakes of the past.

In a special way I want to thank the president of the republic of Rwanda because he has revealed that a process was already underway to review the pending issues in an open and frank manner.

In order to establish normal relations between the two countries, neighbors like the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda have to do the needful to have the security restored.

This is not an issue of Rwanda and France alone. It is a threat to regional security and we all should act and feel like part of it. When this is finally done, we shall all be happy and proud of the joy that comes with reconciliation.
