Why we have both day and night…continued

Previously: After visiting a wizard, a mother finally gets the child she has always wanted. However, the only child the wizard could give had a very dangerous habit. One day he began cutting the head off any animal he could find.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Previously: After visiting a wizard, a mother finally gets the child she has always wanted. However, the only child the wizard could give had a very dangerous habit. One day he began cutting the head off any animal he could find.

The parents hoped that their child would soon be tired of this game but unfortunately they were not! As soon as he had finished executing many animals, he started looking for other things to execute.

Soon he had killed all the hens and other domestic animals in the neighbourhood, until there were no animals left in the whole area. This terrible child turned next to men and women starting with his own parents.

Nobody could escape him because he had powerful charms which made people helpless. At last there was nobody left in the whole village except an old woman in a little hut.

She was determined not to be beheaded by this child, and had prepared her own magic charms with which to fight him.

A terrible struggle started between them. She threw down a small calabash containing some magic powder, and darkness came.

The child also threw down a dry pumpkin, and day light returned. This went on until each was remaining with one calabash and dry pumpkin.

They threw them down and grabbed each other for the final struggle, but at that moment the fighting pair was transformed into an ant carrying a white load.

Because the magic calabash and the magic dry pumpkin were thrown together, the world since then has had day and night every day instead of light or dark all the time.
