Exam results released

On Thursday 24th January, the ministry of education released primary leaving examination results. The best school in the country was Bright Light Primary school(Ndera) followed by Good Foundation primary school found at Gisimenti whose pupils all passed.

Monday, January 28, 2008

On Thursday 24th January, the ministry of education released primary leaving examination results. The best school in the country was Bright Light Primary school(Ndera) followed by Good Foundation primary school found at Gisimenti whose pupils all passed.

Generally the girls performed better than their male counterparts. Some parents and the general public believe that such good results come along with hard work and determination while others think it is because of God’s luck and fortune.

It is because of this controversiality that the writer sought to meet the former students and they revealed their secretes to excellence and future ambitions.

Nyirimanzi Hunter, 14 (75%)

I have always been the best at my school and I was not surprised by the results because I knew I was still going to be the best. I want to become a pilot after school.

Umutoni Nelly, 13 (77.7%)

For me, passing was a guarantee and nothing was ever going to stop me. I hope that after school I will be the best doctor I can.

Umuhoza Iness, 14 (74.7%)

I was actually disappointed with my results because I knew I would get 100% but I don’t care since a passed very well.
I want to become a doctor in future.

Kalisa Kenneth, 13 (71.3%)

Passing for me was not a surprise and I hope to continue with the same sprit even in secondary. I like singing and I am going to be a singer unconditionally.

Karuganda Frank, 12 (73.7%)

I want to become a pastor no wonder it is God who helped me to get the marks I got. Prayer was my weapon to excel.

Munezero Fiona, 12 (70.7%)

I read hard and God was on my side. My aspiration to be a doctor is now brighter.

Mulisa Alice, 12 (66.7%)

When I finally finish school I want to be a doctor but my passion for theatre is greatly untamable. I also want to be a singer, model and actress.

Mbabazi Lillian, 14 (71.7%)

The lawyer in me is now growing. I am happy that I will go to one of the best schools in the country.

Abayesu Precious Gift, 11 (66.7%)

Being the youngest in my school, I was supposed to prove something. Age, they say is just a number and I am no exception to this credence. I want to become a musician and doctor.

Umulisa Smonia, 14 (62.3%)

For me, excellence has always been my long term concern. It does not matter how much I read since God was with me all through. I will become a lawyer after my studies.

Kayitare Benedicte, 13 (57%)

After school I hope to become a doctor and I am working hard to accomplish that. I read hard, prayed tirelessly and luckily God over heard me.

Mulinga Doreen, 14 (58.3%)

Studying medicine is my goal and I am going to do anything I can to achieve that. It is good that I have passed but it was after a lot of hard work.

Ingabire Dorothy, 15 (45%)

You can fail a thousand times as long as you pass once and this is the time. I am looking forward to being a doctor.
