Weekly review

FDU leader arrested The Rwanda National Police this Thursday detained the embattled leader of the yet-to-be-registered political party, FDU-Inkingi Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza on suspicion of being involved in subversive activities.

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Prime Minister Bernard Makuza shares a light moment with members of the cabinet on Wednesday (Photo T Kisambira)

FDU leader arrested

The Rwanda National Police this Thursday detained the embattled leader of the yet-to-be-registered political party, FDU-Inkingi Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza on suspicion of being involved in subversive activities.

Ingabire was arrested after she was allegedly implicated by Maj Vital Uwumuremyi, a former rebel commander in the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR). The latter was intercepted trying to sneak across the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – Rwanda border, both Uwumuremyi and Ingabire are being held at Kicukiro Police Station before being handed over to public prosecution authorities. 

Ingabire was earlier this year charged with two other senior FDLR officers for planning activities aimed at causing state insecurity.

Umuseso, Umuvugizi suspension lifted

The Media High Council (MHC) has lifted the suspension of the two Kinyarwanda tabloids; Umuseso and Umuvugizi. The two had been suspended for violating the media law and inciting public disorder. The six month suspension expired this Wednesday, and the newspaper is expected on the streets. According to Patrice Mulama, the Executive Secretary of MHC, the two newspapers can resume operations, but only after fulfilling all requirements prescribed by the new media laws.

Regional military officers trained in ethics

29 military officers from the East African Community member states, Thursday, this week completed an international course on Military Ethics and the Law of Armed Conflict at the Rwanda Military Academy in Nyakinama,

The three-week training which was a result of bilateral cooperation between the governments of Netherlands and Rwanda, aimed at enhancing professionalism of the armies to meet the challenges in the area of humanitarian and peace support operations.

The military officers who attended the international course on Military Ethics and the Law of Armed Conflict were of the ranks of lieutenant to Lt. Colonels and were awarded certificates upon completion of the course.

Residents evicted from island

A total of 83 residents, were this Wednesday evicted from Mbabara Island on Lake Kivu, by local authorities in Karongi District in part to protect the environment and conserve the natural water body.

Authorities say that the move was also aimed at enabling the residents to get access to basic human needs such as health services, schools and access to clean water, in their new settlements set on the main land.

ICTR convict dies in prison

A former senior member of the Movement Republique Nationale pours le Development et la Democratie (MRND), a political party largely responsible for the planning and executing the 1994 genocide against Tutsi, died in prison on Monday aged 52. George Rutaganda was sentenced to life imprisonment following his conviction on several counts of Genocide by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) based in Arusha Tanzania

SFAR to revise loan recovery policy

The Student Financing Agency for Rwanda (SFAR) is set to revise its policy on the loan recovery from former students who benefited from government funds. The loan recovery strategy was launched in 2007 in an effort to maintain a financially sustainable higher education system by putting in place a mechanism that will allow paying back the bursary money.

Since its inception, the fund has been able to only recover around Rwf2.3 billion out of the estimated Rwf65 billion that has accumulated over a period of almost three decades.

The main idea behind the recovering of the loans is to re-inject the money back into higher education so it can finance itself.
