On the cover: Gisele Ndizeye

Gisele Ndizeye, born in 1988 in Bujumbura, Burundi is a local model and gospel artist. She began her singing career in Sunday school and later on graduated into the Church choir. She sings in Shekina, an antecessor choir at Zion Temple.

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Gisele Ndizeye

Gisele Ndizeye, born in 1988 in Bujumbura, Burundi is a local model and gospel artist. She began her singing career in Sunday school and later on graduated into the Church choir. She sings in Shekina, an antecessor choir at Zion Temple.

Ndizeye is the third born in a loving family of five children, two boys and three girls. She loves the fact that her family is very supportive of her.

When she is not singing in Church, at Premier Model Agency, or at her accountant job, Ndizeye likes giving motivational talks and offering mentorship services to teens.

The 22-year-old beauteous said that joining Premier Model Agency was her greatest achievement so far and is driven to succeed by her desire to make a difference in someone’s life by leading as a good example.

Consequently, Ndizeye believes she has a role to play in society in changing people’s perceptions and the way they think, in order to curb most social ill thought about fashion and modelling.

"Premier Model Agency is a decent model agency, which follows the principles of God,” Ndizeye said. "…the models are decent and disciplined, so there is no room for indecent behaviour.”  

On the flip side, Ndizeye confessed that she does not drink alcohol and neither does she go to night clubs.
She describes herself as a social, reserved, outgoing, friendly and cheerful character that tends to lift the spirits of those around her.

Ndizeye would like to be remembered as a great gospel musician and a true African woman. She is driven to succeed by witnessing the success of others around her, including her parents and would like to emulate their success. 

Ndizeye confessed that her childhood dream was not to become a model, but instead an international gospel artist.
She has her own music compositions which are still in store and believes that someday she will go solo.

"I love African attire and I wish to open my own fashion line in future, where I’ll be designing Rwandan and African styles,” Ndizeye said.
