On the grapevine

Be on the lookout: Minister urges Consumers should be on the look out for businesses that are taking advantage of the fuel crisis to raise prices for products.

Monday, January 28, 2008
Minister Protais Mitali.

Be on the lookout: Minister urges

Consumers should be on the look out for businesses that are taking advantage of the fuel crisis to raise prices for products.

This is a warning that the Minister of Commerce, Industry Promotion, Tourism and Cooperatives, Protais Mitali, has sounded to consumers to prevent any exploitation in form of high prices charged for commodities by businesspeople.

In the wake of an imminent fuel crisis following the crisis in Kenya, businesses raised prices blaming it on high transport costs. Government intervened but there has been minimal impact.

Meanwhile, transport fares across the country have increased, thus calling for the hike of prices of commodity goods.

However, the government has introduced fuel rationing, where small cars for example are only given 10litres per day.

Umurabyo for re-launched

On her release, Agnès Nkusi Uwimana, the editor of a privately-owned fortnightly Umurabyo, is planning to re-launch the Newspaper that was out of business since her arrest.

Uwimana was released this month upon completion of her one-year sentence in prison for "creating divisions,” "sectarianism” and "defamation”.

However, it is said that her arrest created snooping among her fellow journalists, especially in and outside the country, claiming that the charges against her were politically motivated and were clearly aimed at suppressing one of the country’s few independent publications.

Uwimana was arrested on orders of Nyarugenge Prosecutor’s office due to the controversial column: "You have problems if you kill a Tutsi, but you go free if you kill a Hutu.”

Adding to her arrest, the High Council of the Press, a regulatory body controlled by the government, also suspended the newspaper for three months.

On 20 April, when she appeared in court, Uwimana admitted the charges, and promised to run an autumn. She was instead imposed to serve a one-year sentence and to pay a fine of Frw400,000 (560 euros) and damages of Frw2.8 (3,900 euros).

Girl moves violently to draw her man’s mind

Drama ensued at MTN Centre, on the evening of Wednesday, when young lady failed to control her emotions during the soccer show and started behaving more like a two-year old baby in public.

It all started when the two lovers joined another couple at table to share the blaze of African Cup of Nation, which is taking place in Ghana, Senegal was playing against Tunisia.

The moment seemed vastly fun, as couples were enjoying the game of the night, as well as sipping each glasses of their favourite.

As time went by, one of the ladies started developing suspicion over her man, worried that he was interested in another woman at the table; the man kept on chatting with them not bothered with the presence of their men.

The real drama: The funs had ordered for bites to accompany their drinks as bait to attract the men and the lady to stop talking to the man; the lady practically pulled his jaw and started feeding him, and later caressed him, not shying away from the sober minds.

Rafiki to launch new video

Good news to lovers of RnB and Hip hop, but particularly fans of Rafiki Mazimpaka, a.k.a Choga Style. The soloist is reported to be working on his latest video called "Icya Mbere, Icyakabiri n’Icyagatatu” (I, 2, 3), that is due to be launched in two weeks time.

Rafiki, known hitherto in our pages as a twice Grammy PAM Award winner, singer and songwriter is yet to throw his fans in a dancing mood with the latest strokes he copied from Jamaica.

Ngo, during his stay in Jamaica, where he was invited to perform, Rafiki did his best to get new opportunities of robbing shoulders with the country’s pop artists, like Shaggy; positively.

It somewhat worked for him, because we hear that Shaggy was inspired by his music and voice and promised to pay a visit to Rwanda.

Unlike some of his fellow artists in the country, Rafiki, who composes his lyrics and sings in the local language, has managed to capture a vast number of fans, which has kept him in the business.

Miss SFB recovering from an accident

The gorgeous and striking Miss School of Finance and Banking (SFB) 2007, Amanda Ingeli, is reported to be recovering from a car accident that occurred on Thursday last week, in Butare where she was travelling on a private mission.

According to our scouts, Ingeli, 20-year-old, who suffered from back pain as a result of the accident, was immediately rushed to the Campus’ hospital (Butare National University hospital) for treatment. But she was later discharged, and she is now at her parental home.

Gasabo 3D Design set for 3D conversion site

Gone are days when drums and horns were the only forms of communication. Software Company Gasabo 3D Design Ltd of Rwanda recently launched its 3D conversion website.

Designed to help Solid Works software users, the site enables users to convert 2D CAD files to 3D versions, thus enhancing their ability to visualize and engineer new products more quickly and cost effectively.

According to those in the know circles, the company was formed in 2007 as a spin-off from the Rwandan Information Technology Authority. Its roots stem from collaboration between Rwandan president Paul Kagame.
