“The Village in Us”

Many times I tell people of how we the villagers are condemned to be villagers come the sun or rains; it is very easy taking the villager out of the village but taking that village out of him or her is next to impossible.  

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Many times I tell people of how we the villagers are condemned to be villagers come the sun or rains; it is very easy taking the villager out of the village but taking that village out of him or her is next to impossible.  

I would have said impossible but, I recall the words of Broth Thomas Keef (was once our English teacher), he used to tell us that, "nothing is impossible”, at a "young” age of 82, he returned to America to undertake his studies for a PhD (pure head damage).

He lived to accomplish it and returned to Africa with the PhD under his arm, a
really amazing feat!  Ever since that day, I have always been verycareful when using the word "impossible”, I always leave there some roomfor manoeuvre!

In that perspective, maybe, one out of a hundred if nota thousand, could totally shed the village in him or her; but of coursewith the risk of it resurfacing in his offspring or their offspring!

I know, many of you have began cursing me, wondering what business Ihave exposing the bare facts about you, eh!  No problem in that, I’malways looking out for the likes of me in you and when I identify them,then that is purely my business.  

It does not matter what social standing you command, once a villager, you might be one forever unless the Almighty God lays his hand on you and erases the village from you! Do I sound so radical?  I suppose not.

Whole Presidents and their spouses have betrayed the village in them at state visits.  In spite of all the several assistants and members of protocol, the village has slipped through and manifested itself in black and white!

This is a true story of a former African leader a.k.a. President, he travelled to the United Kingdoms (UK), together with his wife a.k.a. first lady, they were hosted to a grand dinner by the Queen of England at the famous Buckingham Palace.  

I always wonder as to why the Queen is referred to as that of England and yet she reigns over Canada, UK, New Zealand and Australia! Maybe that is beyond the villager’s understanding!

Let’s go on, as I was saying, the big man together with his sweet heart were gona dine with none other than the Queen, aint that wonderful?

Now, as the dinner was about to begin, the president saw his wife holding the folk in the right hand and the knife in the left hand, that was against the English table manners (not expected of such a person of her stature).  

He quickly requested to be allowed to lead them in prayers before the meal could be consumed, his wish was granted. He requested to pray in his mother or is it father tongue that too was granted. 

In his native African tongue, "my dear wife, please hold the folk in your left hand and the knife  in the right hand, don’t do otherwise or we shall all be embarrassed” and then he switched over to English, "we asked all that, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen” and all replied "Amen”.

I suppose the prayer in an African tongue had saved the
day. The village in us makes us what we are!
