Secret life: Joseph Museruka

Joseph Museruka is the Managing Director of Umwalimu Sacco, a saving and credit cooperative for teachers aimed at promoting their social-economic welfare and to empower them contribute towards community development. Below he tells us a bit of what you wouldn’t know at first sight about himself;

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Joseph Museruka

Joseph Museruka is the Managing Director of Umwalimu Sacco, a saving and credit cooperative for teachers aimed at promoting their social-economic welfare and to empower them contribute towards community development. Below he tells us a bit of what you wouldn’t know at first sight about himself;

The first thing you do in the morning
I say a prayer

Greatest fear
When a person is killed

When are you happiest?
When there is peace in my country

Childhood memory
It is in 1983 in Burundi when I was given the chance to join a secondary school after failing to hit a pass mark set for foreigners by less than a point   

The most important thing life has taught you
Human beings should be considered equally

Affectionate memory of your parents
Their effort in making us have a future in a foreign land 

Greatest achievement
I am glad that I am playing a role in the development of my country

During your free time
I read, listen to news both local and international plus music

Retirement plans
I will be a writer

Photo G. Mugoya