The Hater: I hate people who…

…say things they don’t mean like, “Let’s just be friends.” I am so fed up of people who do not like others but continue pretending that they do or wish to. Many times you hear someone saying to another or to you, “Let’s just be friends” yet in reality they want to say, “We cannot be friends and I hate you.”

Sunday, October 10, 2010

…say things they don’t mean like, "Let’s just be friends.”
I am so fed up of people who do not like others but continue pretending that they do or wish to. Many times you hear someone saying to another or to you, "Let’s just be friends” yet in reality they want to say, "We cannot be friends and I hate you.”

I thought we were already friends so what is new about what you are saying? If you can tell me you love me then you should not fear saying that you don’t.

At least The Hater spends each week clearly talking about the people he dislikes instead of saying, "Let’s just be friends.” Since I am The Hater how about I say to all those I have hated on this page, "Let’s just be enemies.”

…make calls to radio stations to send greetings.
Of course I am sorry for delaying to say that these people make me sick more than mosquitoes ever will.

There is nothing so wrong about calling into a radio programme and going to send greetings but most people who do so just make me so angry.

Some send greetings to 20 people even when asked to send to just two. Others send and run out of airtime even before they can say their name.

Then the most annoying group are those who call to send greetings to people who are sitting next to them. Why don’t you just talk to those people or call them.

Do not bother greeting me through the radio because I won’t be listening but hating. I hate from here so do not push me into calling the radio to send greetings to all the people I hate. 

…steal cheap things from hotel/restaurant toilets.
I think I need police permission to pull some people’s ears in front of their children. I don’t think it is enough to just hate people who go to hotel/restaurant toilets and steal the toilet paper roll.

I have also realised that some females are addicted to this habit of putting the whole toilet roll in their bags as if it is not sold wherever they came from.

Others go to the pool table area and steal the powder meant for players. We also have those who steal serviettes and toothpicks!

Such petty thieves should have the stolen toothpicks pushed into their ears. Ok, that may sound harsh…but that’s just how much venom they release in.  

…act as if they are employed by Facebook.
I know most of you are users of Facebook but I have noticed a group that I have to seriously hate.

I hate all those people who go on commenting on every post and photograph they see on the site without even understanding the topic for discussion.

Hey idle fool, you don’t have to comment on everything you see, after all Facebook does not pay you to do this. Stop misusing company property or the free Facebook offer from MTN.

Do something more productive other than clicking the like button even when someone has posted something about the death of a loved one.  
…quit their jobs without notifying their bosses.
There are these people we usually refer to as houseboys/house girls who love to disappear suddenly from their workstations without notifying their employers.

Some even use this moment to steal a few things from your house. My houseboy (kadogo) did this to me once and I had to start my day of hating without breakfast.

Now I cannot even see my brown shoes! And who am I supposed to ask about my missing left leg sock? This must be very illegal.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 788 545293