Perfect weekend: Manzi Innocent

Manzi Innocent is a web designer, founder and Managing Director of Kigali paparazzi limited, a company aimed at promoting local musicians through its website So, does he spend all his time surfing? Below, he says he has other ways to spend time:

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Manzi Innocent

Manzi Innocent is a web designer, founder and Managing Director of Kigali paparazzi limited, a company aimed at promoting local musicians through its website So, does he spend all his time surfing? Below, he says he has other ways to spend time:

I enjoy the weekend mostly on Saturday since on Friday evening I am kept very busy. On Saturday morning, after doing some domestic work, I head to the internet café. I spend quite some time on the internet especially when I find my friends on Face book.

I also respond to my mails since it’s over the weekend that I receive more mails. Although I may leave the place after lunch, latest at 1p.m I am at home.

For lunch, I enjoy rice and African food like matooke, cassava and meat although not always.

When I happen to go out for a dance, it’s Planet Club at Kigali Business Centre (KBC) where I have a great time with many of my friends.

However, if I plan to move and spend the weekend out of Kigali, I love spending it in Gisenyi where I get to enjoy fresh fish.

Sunday is the day that I take rest from almost every thing. I only spend it planning for Monday.

That makes my weekend perfect

Photo. G. Mugoya