Gen Kayonga rallys support of UN military attaches against report

KIGALI - The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Lieutenant General Charles Kayonga, has referred to the UN report accusing Rwanda Defence forces of committing atrocities in DR Congo as “fabricated and baseless”

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Chief of Defence Staff, Lt Gen Charles Kayonga (R) greets one member of the UN delegation (Photo: R.Mugabe )

KIGALI - The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Lieutenant General Charles Kayonga, has referred to the UN report accusing Rwanda Defence forces of committing atrocities in DR Congo as "fabricated and baseless”

He made the remarks, Friday, during a dinner hosted in honour visiting UN military attaches.

The attaches had spent the day visiting the MONUSCO contingents in Walikare and other areas in DR Congo. MONUSCO is the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Kayonga said that the National army that comprises Hutu, Twa and Tutsi would not target the Hutu.

"You are the eyes and ears of your countries in the UN.  It’s always good to go out in the field and then you go tell your leaders to make the right political decisions.

Help to expose this report which was compiled by NGOs which have no military expertise,” Kayonga said The attaches to the UN includes; Slovenia, China, France, Czech, Tanzania, Finland, Kenya and Rwanda.

Kayonga said that the conflict in DRC was brought about by people who imported the Genocide ideology from Rwanda fuelling conflict in the whole region.
