CESTRAR calls for standard salary scale

Centrale des Syndicats des Travailleures du Rwanda (CESTRAR), an umbrella for trade unions in Rwanda, has called upon the Ministry of Labour and Public Service (MIFOTRA) to set up a standard salary scale for all employees in the country.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Centrale des Syndicats des Travailleures du Rwanda (CESTRAR), an umbrella for trade unions in Rwanda, has called upon the Ministry of Labour and Public Service (MIFOTRA) to set up a standard salary scale for all employees in the country.

The call was made by CESTRAR President Gervais Nsengiyumva, during the closing ceremony of its 8th Ordinary Congress which took place on Friday.

"On behalf of CESTRAR, I call upon MIFOTRA to put in place strategies aimed at increasing employment opportunities among Rwandans, especially the youth, but I also urge the employees to always fight for their rights,” Nsengiyumva said.

He revealed that some government and non governmental institutions don’t remit contributions for their employees’ health insurance, RAMA, and Social Security Fund of Rwanda (SSFR)

Alexander Twahirwa, an official from MIFOTRA, said that the ministry played a key role regarding social dialogue between employees and their employers across the country in solving problems among them.He thanked CESTRAR for assisting the ministry in establishing a labour law and enacting it.

Twahirwa revealed that the ministry is working round the clock to establish a fixed salary scale among employees but said that this has to comply with the country’s economy.

He encouraged CESTRAR members to always collaborate with MIFOTRA in promoting employment opportunities and solving their day to day challenges.
