Drink responsibly at the Beerfest!

Editor, Today is the Mutzig Beerfest, one of the premier Kigali social events, and I, for one, will attend the do at Juru Park. For only an entrance free of Rwf 6000, one will be able to drink all the beer they can, eat meat and dance until quite late. Last years event was exciting and I believe that this one will be just as fun.

Friday, October 08, 2010
Dont drink and drive. Drunk driving can lead to fatalities.


Today is the Mutzig Beerfest, one of the premier Kigali social events, and I, for one, will attend the do at Juru Park. For only an entrance free of Rwf 6000, one will be able to drink all the beer they can, eat meat and dance until quite late. Last years event was exciting and I believe that this one will be just as fun.

However, as anyone knows, alcohol and driving is a combination that is just deadly. Alcohol slows reactions times, and if one is driving under its influence he/she isn’t only a danger to themselves but to other road users as well.

I’m advising those that plan to drink beer to leave their cars at home and get taxis or taxi-motos. I’ve learnt that there will be transport provided for revelers to go to Juru Park but I wonder, do the organizers have a plan on how everyone will go home?

Are they in contact with Atraco so as to provide buses for those that want to leave the Beerfest? If they haven’t I urgently ask them to.

I also want to advise the Traffic Police to have a show of strength today, especially on the road to Juru Park. I think that this will deter some people from thinking about drunk driving. We must be able to enjoy this festival without getting maimed or maiming others.

Lastly, I urge those on the entrances to make sure that underage children aren’t allowed in the Beerfest. It shall be a very adult place and children should not be allowed anywhere near that place. Lets all be responsible today.

Sam Rwego
