Secret life: Mugisha G. Stephen

Mugisha G. Stephen is the head of Rwanda Book Development Initiative which aims at promoting the culture of reading amongst children. He is also a lecturer at the Kigali Institute of Education. Below he shares more with you;

Sunday, October 03, 2010
Mugisha G. Stephen

Mugisha G. Stephen is the head of Rwanda Book Development Initiative which aims at promoting the culture of reading amongst children. He is also a lecturer at the Kigali Institute of Education. Below he shares more with you;

The first thing you do in the morning
It’s always a prayer that starts my day

Greatest fear
Telling a lie

When are your happiest moments?
When my family is happy.

Childhood memory
My father’s advised to be a hardworking person so as to live happily and create a positive impact on society.

The most important thing life has taught you
Hard work pays.....because the heaviest burden in life is when you have nothing to carry!

Affectionate memory of your parents
My dad taught me that in life, aiming is not enough-’You must hit!

Greatest achievement
When my wife Winnie accepted to marry me and writing a book in 2008.

During your free time
I read, go for sports and also read for my children. 

Retirement plans
I will focus on writing and publishing.

Photo G. Mugoya