The Hater

I hate people who… …are so full of themselves while on Facebook. I know some people who make my work of hating quite easy simply because they expose profound foolishness while using what is supposed to be a social networking site.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

I hate people who…

…are so full of themselves while on Facebook.
 I know some people who make my work of hating quite easy simply because they expose profound foolishness while using what is supposed to be a social networking site.

I am talking about those people who put a status and then go ahead to ‘like’ their own status. Others click the ‘like’ button on the pictures of themselves that they have uploaded.

It is clear that you like the photo that is why you took it and even uploaded it. Liking your own photo is like sending yourself a Christmas card.

I hate it so much and you need to stop it. If you like the photograph so much, why don’t you frame it and put it in everyroom in your home. 

…still think it is cool to bleach their black faces.
This is one of the most disgusting habits that some black people practice. It is the epitome of low self esteem and foolishness.

It is not surprising to find a lady with a ‘Fanta’ face and ‘Coca-Cola’ legs! I hate this habit so much and that is why at some point I even stopped watching Michael Jackson videos.

Some men from a nearby country are also known to bleach themselves. Nothing is cool about having a face that looks like a painting. If you are not happy with the colour that God gave you file a complaint at the church or mosque you go to.   

…apply makeup on their faces while in commuter taxis.
Each time I step into a taxi, my rights are abused by someone. If Human Rights Watch is not concerned with this, I am, and I will use this page to complain.

Please, ladies, if you are not beautiful enough by the time you leave your house then don’t bother to change anything especially while in a taxi.

I am tired of sitting next to you as you bite your lips and apply all sorts of colours on your skin. By the time I glance at your face I cannot even remember what you looked like before. Would you like it if I shaved my beard in the taxi?

…ask me for directions on a map.
I am not trying to be racist here but I have to be sincere that some white folks who come here as tourists can be annoying sometimes.

I am talking about the guy wearing shorts, a safari hat, with a huge bag on his bag and a map in his hands.

This Mzungu is not ashamed to ask me where a particular hotel is because he cannot see it on the map. Hey, I do not work with the hotel or even the City Council and besides I last tried map reading in school.

Now I am a certified Hater so if you cannot see something on the map I suggest you go and buy another one.

Otherwise just ask me if I know the place, do not show me the map because I may be compelled to show you my geographical ignorance!
…dress inappropriately making it hard for me to talk to them.
It is clear that I easily get into hate mode each time I meet a lady who is dressed in such away that so much cleavage (breasts-in-view) is on display.

This scenario has a way of making me forget what I had to say. I end up talking to the cleavage instead of you because my eyes get stuck down there.

I am not a pervert and if you had dressed decently I would not have any problem communicating with you. The police should think of arresting some of these people so that my friends stop crashing into trees because of staring at a lady’s chest while walking on the streets. 

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 788 545293.

The Hater