Neighbour Diaries : Losing focus

I totally lost the plot the other day. Being single isn’t working out well for me. I resent the fact that I cannot settle down for even two months before my world comes tumbling down again. Losing two of my girlfriends the same day hit me hard, and before I knew it, I had restarted a bad habit; alcoholism.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

I totally lost the plot the other day. Being single isn’t working out well for me. I resent the fact that I cannot settle down for even two months before my world comes tumbling down again. Losing two of my girlfriends the same day hit me hard, and before I knew it, I had restarted a bad habit; alcoholism.

Like my some intelligent guy so nicely put it, every dog has its own day. Mine came, and left me totally disoriented. As if that was not enough, I learnt some disturbing news; Cathy had another boyfriend.

So all the time I had been with her, she had been double-dealing me with some other dude! Well, I guess I have no right being angry, considering that I was also juggling her with Carole, but it really hurt my ego.

But what really drove me over the edge was one day, when I was busy drowning my sorrows in alcohol, at my local watering hole, that I saw Carole. She was with that same guy who always seemed to be around the corner waiting for me and Carole to get a small misunderstanding so he can scoop her away.

I wasn’t even drunk that day, but I can’t say I was in control of myself. I put down my bottle, stood up, and was already on my way to their table before I realized what I was doing.

But I didn’t stop, I continued on to their table, and just stood there looking at Carole. The thing is I didn’t know what I was even supposed to be doing there! Carole looked up at me questioningly, and said " Shem?!” And I just continued standing there, like a robot.

Then, I started talking; "Carole, really, I would have understood if you had left me for someone else but not this guy. For some one as pretty and intelligent as you are, you deserve so much better.

Fine, I might have done some messed up stuff, but I didn’t realize that I was sending you to the misery of being with this fake guy. Please Carole, if you can’t take me back, at least don’t replace me with this guy. Then, I won’t also feel like you left me for a fake guy!”

Carole tried to stop me several times, but I brushed her off. The guy meanwhile was looking at me with growing anger in his eyes. At some point he stood up, and I guess that’s when I should have stopped talking and run away.

But the alcohol in me wanted to say some more.  Then the guy pushed me. I staggered. Carole told me to leave, but I wanted to hit the guy. So, I swung a fist. Instead of the fist connecting with his jaw, it met empty air; too much alcohol for me to focus.

But his fist didn’t miss. He hit me so hard on the nose that I saw bright stars. And I fell. And then I knew I was acting like a drunken fool. So I stood up, and walked off to the washrooms. My nose was bleeding, and I missed Carole so much that tears started flowing. I knew that after tonight’s show, I could never get Carole back, and that made me feel horrible.

On my way back to my table, I bumped into some one. I turned, looked at the girl, and I sobered up immediately. She was pretty, alright, but there was something about her eyes!

I felt I needed to talk to the girl. I apologized, and she said it was ok. And then she walked off towards the washrooms.  Since I couldn’t follow her into the ladies washrooms, I waited outside. Five minutes later, she came out.

Introducing myself, I asked if I could have a minute of her time. She immediately said no, and walked off. I hurried after her, and told her I just wanted to talk to her. And she said "hey, I just saw you fighting in there.

You are not my type!” And she walked off, leaving me feeling like the greatest loser of all time! That certainly was not a good night for me!
