TVR should try to style up

Sometime back, I expressed my happiness Television Rwanda, noting that it is gradually coping with the up-to-date trends as compared to the previous years.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sometime back, I expressed my happiness Television Rwanda, noting that it is gradually coping with the up-to-date trends as compared to the previous years.

However, the pace is apparently very slow in contrast to the rapid changes in the television world.

The programmes are sliding downhill because they keep reappearing on the sets at short intervals, and this is a boring stunt. Worst of all, the national television has failed to even broadcast the African Cup of Nations, which could have shown their Pan-African spirit.

The games as part of the biggest sports are watched by many, so could attract more viewers. Perhaps, they could have only broadcast if the national team had qualified.

If TVR is to favourably compete with countries in the region, then it must vastly change its programmes to appropriately entertain its viewers. If not, then attract investors in the television broadcasting business.
