Wasn’t public smoking banned?

I’m writing to express my disappointment with smokers who are still smoking in public.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I’m writing to express my disappointment with smokers who are still smoking in public.

Last weekend while I was watching a football match at a famous spot in Remera, I was astonished to see a group of people smoking without shame in the bar.

The last time I heard, public smoking had been abolished, but one would think otherwise due to the increase in public smoking today.

I think most of the bar owners don’t know the danger of cigarette smoking to non-smokers. I’ve also realised that there are no ‘No Smoking’ banners in these bars.

Why doesn’t the ministry in charge of fighting this habit help us and enforce this law with harsh punishments? I doubt if any of you have seen someone punished for smoking in public.

We are set to endanger the lives of our future generation if public smoking is not fought, because it’s public smoking that encourages most young people to smoke because they are made to think that it’s a habit for the old.

Most countries worldwide have succeeded in abolishing public smoking. I wonder why we {Rwanda} are lagging behind in this noble cause.

I also suggest that the ministry responsible should get a free line that one calls once some one is smoking in public, and also try to enforce the abolition before it goes out of hand.