Green is the way to go

Editor, Reading in your paper yesterday, about the two local firms, Nuru Energy and Great Lakes Energy which have been awarded tenders to set up 50 eco-friendly businesses in Bugesera District, got me thinking about ‘green’. When I say ‘green’, I mean ‘money’.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Reading in your paper yesterday, about the two local firms, Nuru Energy and Great Lakes Energy which have been awarded tenders to set up 50 eco-friendly businesses in Bugesera District, got me thinking about ‘green’. When I say ‘green’, I mean ‘money’.

If you’ve been observing the way the global industry is going, you will doubtlessly notice just how lucrative environmentally sound practices are. There is a lot of money waiting for anyone who thinks ‘green’ projects.

I urge all the entrepreneurs out there to start thinking about investing in ‘clean’ energy and environmentally sound practices. That is where the money is.

Jackson Muhunde