Local leaders to be trained in service delivery

GICUMBI - The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a ‘strengthening civic participation’ project funded by USAID is committed to training local leaders in service delivery, planning processes and capital project implementation.

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Participants share ideas during the MCC workshop on Thursday (Photo A.Gahene)

GICUMBI - The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a ‘strengthening civic participation’ project funded by USAID is committed to training local leaders in service delivery, planning processes and capital project implementation.

The revelation was made on Thursday in Gicumbi District conference hall by MCC Chief of Party, Linda Trudel, during a workshop chaired by the District vice mayor for Social Affairs, Eugenie Uwamahoro.

The workshop brought together district leaders, representatives of religious denominations, World Vision and sector executive secretaries, among others.

"MCC Civic participation project is aimed at strengthening the capacity of local leaders to be more accountable to the communities they serve,” said Trudel.

She further said MCC shall work in close partnership with local authorities, to strengthen capacity building and encourage civic participation in administrative matters.
During the workshop, Byumba and Ruvune Sectors were chosen to initiate the implementation of the project. 

Uwamahoro said MCC has come at the right time, in the wake of District and Sector employees being sworn in recently to deliver services to the public with dedication and honesty.

"It is important that we utilize the presence of MCC to strengthen our service delivery professionally and with dedication,” she said.

The district official in charge of good governance, Joseph Munyezamu, reiterated the need for District and Sector employees to cooperate with MCC in order to create a harmonious relationship between residents and leaders at all levels.

"As servants of the people, we should utilize the presence of MCC to double our efforts during the course of providing our services,” he said.
