The Hater: I hate people who…

…never bother to return my calls. What do you do when you find missed calls on your mobile handset? If you have no answer then you are the person I wish to hate today. You are supposed to make an effort to call back. I am not talking about beeping.

Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Hater

…never bother to return my calls.
What do you do when you find missed calls on your mobile handset? If you have no answer then you are the person I wish to hate today. You are supposed to make an effort to call back. I am not talking about beeping.

It is just good manners to return calls that you missed. I called you several times and you were not answering your phone. Is it not decency for you to call back and find out what why I was calling.

After all you do not even have a voicemail facility activated for me to leave you a message. I am really tired of people who own modern mobile phone handset but have a village mindset when it comes to using these phones.     

…think I am a representative of their bank.
 This month is coming to an end but my anger for some jokers is just growing. I am talking about that workmate who keeps asking you whether there is ‘something’ in the bank.

Of course you know those salary earners who never save a penny and will ask you even before the month has ended whether their salary has reached the bank.

Listen broke joker, I work for this company just like you and not the bank. Why don’t you call the bank and find out? Besides I am not the one who told you to spend all your salary in the first week on cheap alcohol.

I don’t think poverty and stupidity are a good combination.

…do not respect traffic lights while walking.
Being a pedestrian is not a curse and does not necessarily mean that you do not own a car. You may have parked it somewhere. However you should not park your brain too.

I am talking and hating people who do not respect traffic lights while walking. These suicidal fools will try to cross the road at sections where traffic lights are installed but will not bother to check to see whether the lights are allowing people or cars to move.

Please my silly friend, allow me to hate you for thinking that those lights are decorations from the city council. And in case you want to commit suicide please go elsewhere not on our clean streets. 
…ignore the pedestrian pavement and use the road.
Again I will continue to hate non-thinking pedestrians who ignore the superb pavements that are all over Kigali while walking and instead use the area meant for cars.

These people confuse me when all I want to do is hate them? So you think that because you have a huge behind and broad shoulders you now must walk with the cars? Are you trying to get yourself killed?

Do you expect the cars to respect you as you use their space? If you are not knocked down by one of them by now, I am hoping that the traffic police officers can arrest you and send you to a mental facility. 

…talk about the same thing all the time.
I really admire hardworking people like some of our musicians but I am always left with no option but to hate those who do more talking than singing.

Haven’t you heard of these lazy musicians who always talk about their upcoming (or never coming) album and how it is going to be hot, every time they are interviewed?

The said album never materialises but they never stop talking about it every time. I wonder why they just don’t sing about the never coming album titled. Your job is to sing not talk to the press.

At least I hate without just talking about it.   

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 788 545293.