A day in the life… Gatuku Ndagijimana

Gatuku Ndagijimana is the Global Fund Executive Secretary at the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF) one of the components supporting Orphans and other vulnerable Children with their families.

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Gatuku Ndagijimana

Gatuku Ndagijimana is the Global Fund Executive Secretary at the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF) one of the components supporting Orphans and other vulnerable Children with their families.

Below he shares with you his typical day at work;
By 5:30a.m I am awake and the first thing I have to do is to tune in to the radio. I then shower, have breakfast and set off for work.

At 7a.m I am in the office, start my computer to check if there is any thing new from my correspondents, partners and friends as well.

I then look at the day’s activities so as to select and immediately attend to what I believe is urgent. My duties comprise coordinating activities of the secretariat, elaborating strategies of different projects and the Global Fund budget as well as coordinating with other stakeholders among other duties.

If I do not have a meeting to attend to until midday, I get the chance of having lunch on time otherwise, most of the times I am caught up there.

In most cases, I find that I am never out of office before 6p.m. I sometimes go home immediately and even if I do not, at least I am there by 7:30.

By 8, I have supper and by 10 I am in bed. That makes my typical working day.
