Rwanda revenue Authority needs to train public servants on taxes

Editor, Allow me through your paper to express my concern on tax education. Different people, including accountants in government agencies, do not have an understanding of the different forms of taxes.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Allow me through your paper to express my concern on tax education. Different people, including accountants in government agencies, do not have an understanding of the different forms of taxes.

It should be the duty of RRA through its tax payers’ services to give trainings and updates on different forms of taxes like withholding taxes, (15&3%), Pay as you Earn, VAT, and Incoterms.

This is because every year new people join different government agencies and relying on the fact that they should be knowing the laws governing these taxes may not help much in ensuring that government does not lose money through ignorance of how to treat different forms of taxes in different circumstances like consultancy services, international contracts and imports, benefits and allowances and others.

Of course this should go hand in hand with constant education to the business community on how to deal with VAT, Corporate taxes, and others

Mugisha Simon