Police should work with the media

A letter written in The New Times appreciating the work done by the police some time back inspired me to say something on the current situation between the Media and the police.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A letter written in The New Times appreciating the work done by the police some time back inspired me to say something on the current situation between the Media and the police.

Last year the media was bitter with the way the police harassed journalists, but thank God the mood now is totally different.

A letter writer in The New Times said "Every time I want to start admiring things in this country the police come first on my list. Not because they are smart, neither because they are extremely hard working, my simple reason is because they are not easy to corrupt."

The above statement in the context of working with the media means a lot. As the police try its best to fight corruption and other malpractices, the media is needed to discourage those who want to commit bad acts.

I am sure that some policemen are still corrupt and do things contrary to what they ought to, but the media and the authorities should fight this. This means there should be an understanding between all concerned.

It is right to say that the police would be doing a wonderful thing to work with the media amicably since we normally get information about the wrong doers and get to know that such exist in our country, and publicise information relevant to the development of the police as well as the country.

Keep it up police. Let the wrong doers be exposed and we thank God the police have exhibited a high degree of professionalism.

For the few policemen who are corrupt, let the authorities and the police institution itself work hard to ensure that the corrupt are weeded out. They should fear to lose their credibility before the public since the habit may grow out of control.
