Business people need to be more aggressive

As a country that is just coming out of the doldrums and rebuilding afresh, Rwanda has to devise as many ways of progressing, as possible. This goes for government as well as individual effort.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

As a country that is just coming out of the doldrums and rebuilding afresh, Rwanda has to devise as many ways of progressing, as possible. This goes for government as well as individual effort.

As the government tries putting in place structures to aid development, each individual should also strive to think up ways of uplifting their incomes.

Sometimes people have opportunities of progressing, but do not follow up these golden opportunities. Rwandans have shops for example. They have built other businesses, like market stalls. Yes, they are getting a living out of those businesses. But it is not good enough. These businesses could be built a little bit more. Why, for example, do people close their businesses so early? Potential customers are still up and about, and then you find shops closed! How do we hope to develop much more if we close out money?

I think Rwandans should be more serious on this one and give more time to their businesses.

Attend to our customer-care attributes, be more friendly – these are things where we are doing badly indeed, and where we must improve in order to attract more business.
