Missing the C’wealth Games is frustrating

Editor, I find it nonsensical that Rwanda’s only steeplechase runner Gervais Hakizimana and long distance runner Claudette Mukasakindi (10,000m) have been dropped from Rwanda’s team for the upcoming Commonwealth Games because they failed to show up for residential training.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I find it nonsensical that Rwanda’s only steeplechase runner Gervais Hakizimana and long distance runner Claudette Mukasakindi (10,000m) have been dropped from Rwanda’s team for the upcoming Commonwealth Games because they failed to show up for residential training.

How these two athletes could throw such a wonderful opportunity to participate in the second biggest athletics competition after the Olympic Game is beyond my understanding.

They had a chance to go against some of the best in the world but they’ve thrown that chance out the window. And, in addition, Rwanda’s chance to get a medal has suffered as a result as well.

Henry Minega