I hate people who…

…mistake taxis for family tour vans. In case you were not aware, Rwanda and Africa in general is facing a threat of population explosion. And the evidence is so clear that I have even chosen to hate those responsible.

Monday, September 20, 2010

…mistake taxis for family tour vans.
In case you were not aware, Rwanda and Africa in general is facing a threat of population explosion. And the evidence is so clear that I have even chosen to hate those responsible.

I hate people who create large unplanned families. I am talking about these baby factories who think a public taxi is their own family tour van.

Have you not seen a guy approaching a taxi with two kids while his miserable wife is following with two toddlers and a new one on the back?

What happened to family planning? Why don’t you make friends with people selling contraceptives? Instead you burden the rest of us. We are regularly compelled to meet your whole family in the taxi.   

…turn their Facebook accounts into diaries.
I am so close to stoning some people for the way they annoyingly use their Facebook.

Although I am not so sure how best it can be used, I definitely hate those who use it like a diary.

Telling us every single stupid activity like we care to know.  "I am awake,” "I am going to shower,” "I am tired,” "I am in love,” "I am Facebooking in the taxi.”

"Oh I am at work.” Well how about this? I hate you! Yes why bore us with banal details of your life. You are not a celebrity and this is not Twitter. By the way I have already deleted such jokers from my friends’ list.

…think it is important for us to know their name.
I love listening to music. Yes The Hater can also love, sometimes. However I seriously hate musicians who waste time telling us their name at the beginning of each song instead of going ahead and singing the song we are waiting for.

Listen upcoming artist, I just want to know if you can sing not whether you are called Captain Riddim or whatever your meaningless name may be.

Imagine if the waitress at the restaurant wasted time telling you her name instead of taking your order and bringing you the food.

Although people call me The Hater, I do not waste time on my name, I just hate immediately.
…idly use their office furniture as swings.
Sometimes when I enter a person’s office I leave with anger. I am always infuriated by people who keep swinging in their office chairs as if they were children sitting on a swing.

As you talk to this unappreciative employee all he is doing is swinging from left to right in his chair instead of seriously attending to you.

Oh how I wish I could get you sacked so that you go home and try swinging your broke body on the floor. Why do such fools think that their offices are part of a children’s park? You are employed to perform not to swing.

…irritate me with lousy messages.
Here I won’t beat around the bush. I am seriously tired and I hate those people who work at Tigo and other telecom companies who keep sending us endless messages about caller tunes and lots of different things that we have heard over and over.

On my Tigo line, I have more messages from Tigo than from my girlfriend! To make it worse the messages come in pairs like twins. One in English and another in Kinyarwanda but both of them are irritating.

Yes, I know my account is empty, I also know you have caller tunes etc. Now can I have some peace as I call for 10fr per unit?

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293.