Living life: Conquer Your World

This world is a very vast place and even if we are over six billion souls jostling for space, everybody ideally has a place they can call their own.

Monday, September 20, 2010

This world is a very vast place and even if we are over six billion souls jostling for space, everybody ideally has a place they can call their own.

It does not all have to be about physical space. The human mind is an unimaginable factory of ideas. One can claim entrepreneurial space, ideal space, spiritual space, astronomical space, mental space, name it, you can have it.

Everyone of us is unique and one way of staking your claim and your legacy to life is identifying this, your space. Some people will call it your calling, others, your hobby, others, your career, or profession and even your passion. Each of us has their own world to conquer.

You can conquer your world and be king in that small world of yours.
The world is rich of ideas which you can pick and own. The problem is many people have ideas but no backbone to implement them. Others want to implement as many ideas that they lose focus.

The rest are quick to run into the crowd which likes to take advantage of ideas that are about to become fruitful in the hope of making a windfall or taking some of the undeserved credit.

A colleague of mine says that his grandfather, long dead, used to say that there are two groups of people – those who work hard and those who take the credit for the hard work. He added that there is no need trying to join the latter because it was overcrowded, but the former which has fewer people.

Be known for doing something be it big or small. Let your name be a signature or let it ring in the minds of people because of something positive. Be a pioneer and inventor or a leading light.

Don’t accept to always be the follower all the time like sheep that blindly follow their leader into a lake of water or a fierce fire. Develop a sense of direction and focus in your life.

Sit back and ask yourself, if I died today how would people remember me? How would you like to be remembered when you die anyway? When you wake every morning do you see your day to day activities as contributing to a bigger picture?

Is it helping you in an overall journey to somewhere you want to be or do you spend your day doing haphazard activities that everybody else decides for you to do without any personal input?

Are you edging towards something you desire every single day or are you waiting for the heaven to open up and give you your dreams or the earth to open and swallow you to end your misery?

This is not the world – it is your world. It became yours the day you made that single squeak of delight when you stopped depending on your mother for food and everything else, when your lungs inhaled and exhaled its first lungful of air.

This Sunday, explore your world?