Neighbour Diaries : Keeping secrets

A week after making up, there is still that strange friction between Carole and I. The girl had thrown me out for about two months, and I guess if I hadn’t been super-glued to her, she’d have gone for good.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A week after making up, there is still that strange friction between Carole and I. The girl had thrown me out for about two months, and I guess if I hadn’t been super-glued to her, she’d have gone for good. I wonder what happened to that Andrew fellow who clearly had his targets focused on my Carole.

The man really wanted to have my girlfriend, and in the process of being the perfect gentleman for my girlfriend, he actually taught me a few things on how to treat women properly.  Too bad things didn’t work out for him, but I can’t be sorry for him; it was either me or him, and when it comes to my girlfriend, I am a very selfish guy.

I am not letting anything get between me and Carole now; rarely in life do we get second chances like these. It isn’t easy to replace girls like Carole, so once you get her, you have to keep her at all costs. 

I should be the happiest and most contented guy on earth now, but for one tiny flaw. A flaw I don’t really know how to deal with, and this flaw is my confidant-turned –girlfriend; Cathy.  Cathy knows everything about Carole, apart from the fact that she is back in my life.

Cathy helped me deal with Carole’s departure, and well, I guess that’s what drew us together. Cathy is sincere and genuine. She is a good woman, and she doesn’t deserve being played. But I am a selfish guy, I want both women. Luckily, the situation where they would cross paths hasn’t arisen, but I know it will come soon, perhaps much sooner than I expect.

The other day, Carole came over to my place in the afternoon. We were trying to recreate some of the old life we had in the past. Movies, light conversation and snacks.

Then my phone rang. Somehow, I knew it was Cathy calling. Carole was nearer my phone, so she got it, and for a moment, I thought she was going to answer the call (she used to do that once in a while in the past), but she passed it onto me. I considered not answering it, but that would have raised certain questions in her mind, questions I didn’t want so soon after we had made up. So I answered the call, like a soldier receiving orders from a superior officer.

Cathy was certainly in the mood to talk, but I wanted to make the phone call as short as possible. After telling her the third "yeah”, that wasn’t even in answer to her question; she gave up trying to make sensible conversation.

She said she was just checking on me, and I thanked her then hang up.  Carole looked at me briefly, but her look wasn’t one of suspicion. I then sent Cathy a text, explaining that I was with my boss, and that was why I could not talk freely. I promised to call her as soon as I was free.

I realized that if I was to keep from getting found out by my two women, I should be ready to tell an awful lot of lies. Too bad, but there was no other way I could do it. Cathy still doesn’t know that I made up with Carole, and it is very important that it stays that way.

If I had known that Carole was going to come back to my life, I would not have asked Cathy to be my girlfriend. However, the same day I asked Cathy and she happily agreed to be my girlfriend - was the same day that Carole told me she was coming back.

I guess I should have shown more maturity and responsibility in dealing with the whole situation, but both of these girls are extremely exceptional people, I would be really sorry to let one go.

I love them both; I have come to realize that as strange as it sounds, it is true. I don’t feel about them the same way, because they are very different people. But if I had to make a choice, I know I’d let Cathy go; while Cathy is the kind of woman most men dream of, Carole is a masterpiece.
