Know about Allergic Rhinitis

With the commencement of the rains, some people enjoy the lush greenery and cool pleasant weather. But for some it becomes a time for constant sneezing and running noses, making them feel sickly.

Saturday, September 18, 2010
L-R : Potential allergens enter the body most commonly through inhalation ; Allergic Rhinitis symptoms include sneezing, running of nose or nasal catarrah and blocked nose(Internet Photo)

With the commencement of the rains, some people enjoy the lush greenery and cool pleasant weather. But for some it becomes a time for constant sneezing and running noses, making them feel sickly.

Allergic rhinitis is the name given to a variety of symptoms which develop after exposure of "sensitive” person to potential allergens. These potential allergens enter the body most commonly through inhalation via the nose and cause swelling and inflammation of nasal mucosa.

The range of symptoms caused is very wide. It commonly includes sneezing, running of nose or nasal catarrah and blocked nose due to drying of secretions. These may be associated with sense of itching inside nose, redness of nose, redness and watering of eyes.  One may also feel pain, itching and discomfort inside the ear as ear is anatomically and internally connected to the nose. In addition, if one develops superadded infection, fever occurs to compound the misery.

All these problems occur in individuals who have developed antibodies to some allergy producing substances called allergens. They are sensitized to those substances and on further exposure, allergic reaction occurs in the body, producing sneezing and other symptoms.

Some of these persons may have associated skin rashes, allergic cough and, or bronchial asthma within themselves or a family member.

A person may have allergic rhinitis throughout the year or it may occur with a change of season. This is because with a change of season, potential allergens may be present in the environment.

There is a wide variety of substances that serve as allergens and produce allergic rhinitis in the person. Air-borne pollens of plants, spores of moulds, insect droppings, dust, inhaled chemicals as in room fresheners, deodorants and  perfumes, e.t.c., all these can induce allergic rhinitis in persons who have a tendency for it.

The problem is the majority of these people do not understand the nature of their illness. They go to hospitals, consult doctors and undergo several tests in the hope of seeking a cure. But there is no cure available for them because the problem is inherently present in the body. 

Allergy tests can be done to identify the substances causing allergy, then if possible one can be desensitized. He or she can be treated. But the problem is that allergy tests can be done only when the individual is free of symptoms, without any medication for at least 48 hours.

Otherwise, there is risk of the   problems being aggravated and a severe reaction that may cause death.

Even if the potential allergens are identified, the majority of them are such that they cannot be totally avoided. Climate change, dust, pollens or spores in the environment cannot be prevented by anyone.

Nevertheless, there are measures that can minimize the suffering of the individual.  Use of a face mask to cover the nose when exposed to dust can reduce the amount of allergens inhaled.  If one can afford it, air conditioners can be installed at home and work place as they reduce the amount of dust and spores present and can also filter out pollens.

Steam inhalation is a simple economical measure which can be done very easily at home and helps in reducing symptoms of a person suffering from allergic rhinitis.  One only needs to boil water, enough to produce steam and inhale it deeply till it cools.  Steam inhalation done morning and evening   keeps an individual having allergic rhinitis   reasonably comfortable throughout the day.

Nasal decongestants containing pseudoephedrine are also used for this purpose but should not be used for long periods regularly. When used for long they can cause hypertension.

Breathing exercises of yoga (Pranayam) are very helpful in relieving the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. One can easily do them at home without spending any money.
Nasal puffs of sodium chromoglycate help in preventing the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. 

Ant allergic drugs and corticosteroids are used for treating allergic rhinitis. But one should use them only when absolutely necessary because they do not offer total cure and can produce adverse effects.
